
Reheat selected for Grindstone and Anglo American Foundation’s First Cohort of Green Tech Startups

ReHeat Africa specialising in Photovoltaic heating systems for water heating, cooking and food processing has been selected as one of the cohort members of the very first Grindstone Green Tech accelerator program. The collaborative effort between Cape Town-based accelerator Grindstone and the Anglo American Foundation (AAF) marks the initiation of the Grindstone South Africa program, with a specific aim to empower entrepreneurs in the green sector.

In a groundbreaking move that signals a transformative shift in the green technology landscape, ReHeat Africa has earned its place among the inaugural cohort members of the Grindstone Green Tech accelerator program. This collaboration, orchestrated by the Cape Town-based accelerator Grindstone and the Anglo American Foundation (AAF), holds the promise of not only empowering ReHeat Africa but also steering the trajectory of entrepreneurs in the green sector towards a sustainable and eco-friendly future.

Grindstone Green Tech Accelerator Program:

The Grindstone Green Tech accelerator program stands as a beacon of support for ventures that are committed to making a positive impact on the environment. As a selected cohort member, ReHeat Africa gains invaluable access to a wealth of resources and expertise. The program’s plenary workgroups cover an extensive array of critical areas, including strategy, branding, marketing, sales, technology, legal and intellectual property, valuation, finance, and mentorship.

The comprehensive support offered by Grindstone goes beyond conventional accelerator programs. ReHeat Africa is not only equipped with the necessary knowledge to refine and strengthen its business model but also gains exposure to secure funding avenues, essential market opportunities, and crucial networking platforms. The program’s focus on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) assessments underlines a commitment to fostering businesses that prioritize sustainability and social responsibility.

ReHeat Africa’s Mission:

At the core of ReHeat Africa’s mission lies the vision to revolutionize heating processes across South Africa and the broader African continent. Specializing in Photovoltaic heating systems for water heating, cooking, and food processing, ReHeat Africa seeks to break down energy access barriers and address the pressing issue of climate change.

Photovoltaic Heating as a Solution:

ReHeat Africa recognizes the potential of Photovoltaic (PV) heating as a game-changer in the pursuit of sustainability. By harnessing the abundant sunlight that bathes the region, PV heating systems offer a clean, renewable, and affordable alternative to traditional heating methods. The selection of ReHeat Africa as a participant in the Grindstone Green Tech accelerator program validates the importance of their mission in driving eco-friendly innovation in the heating sector.

Breaking Energy Access Barriers:

In many parts of Africa, access to reliable and affordable energy remains a significant challenge. ReHeat Africa aims to bridge this gap by providing communities with access to clean and sustainable heating solutions powered by the sun. Through the Grindstone Green Tech accelerator program, ReHeat Africa gains the tools and insights necessary to scale their operations, ensuring that the benefits of PV heating reach far and wide.

Combatting Climate Change:

The urgency to combat climate change is a driving force behind ReHeat Africa’s commitment. Traditional heating methods contribute to environmental degradation and carbon emissions. By promoting the adoption of Photovoltaic heating systems, ReHeat Africa is actively contributing to the global effort to mitigate climate change and build a more sustainable future for generations to come.


As ReHeat Africa embarks on this exciting journey with the Grindstone Green Tech accelerator program, the stage is set for a revolutionary shift in the way Africa addresses its heating needs. The convergence of innovative Photovoltaic heating technology and the support of forward-thinking initiatives like Grindstone signifies a beacon of hope for a greener, more sustainable future. ReHeat Africa’s mission to break energy access barriers and combat climate change through accessible and affordable PV heating systems is poised to make a lasting impact on the continent’s environmental landscape. The sun is shining brightly on the horizon, and ReHeat Africa is leading the charge toward a brighter, cleaner, and more sustainable future for all.

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Reheat selected for Grindstone and Anglo American Foundation’s First Cohort of Green Tech Startups

ReHeat Africa specialising in Photovoltaic heating systems for water heating, cooking and food processing has been selected as one of the cohort members of the very first Grindstone Green Tech accelerator program. The collaborative effort between Cape Town-based accelerator Grindstone and the Anglo American Foundation (AAF) marks the initiation of the Grindstone South Africa program, with a specific aim to empower entrepreneurs in the green sector.

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